Meet Riley (in the first photo), the Rights Respecting Mini-Giraffe. He was created by children from Swavesey Primary School, who were inspired by UNICEF’s “Rights of the Child”. The dashing French one with croissants is called Gaston, and there are many more!
Mini-giraffes have been seen in Cambridge, here and there, for at least a week. I’ve bumped into them in a shopping centre, in a book shop, and at the entrance to Anglia Ruskin University.
However, the main guests are starting to arrive today. They are proper big giraffes of all breeds and colours. I’ve already made acquaintance with a few. 31 bright and cheerful “visiting fellows” are expected in total, as if to match the number of Cambridge colleges!
It’s a charity project, organised by ‘Break’ who help children in care or leaving care, in partnership with ‘Wild in Art’. A giraffe auction is scheduled for early June.
Don’t miss a guided tour of giraffes – watch this space!