A public walking tour for Cambridge visitors.
We shall go through Cambridge City Centre, where we’ll see a few Cambridge University colleges, marvel at austere churches of the Anglo-Saxons, breathtaking Tudor Gothic, and the enlightened classicism of Christopher Wren. We’ll talk about numerous pranks of mischievous Cambridge students, about great discoveries, mediaeval collisions, religious turmoil, and the struggle for the throne. We’ll find out where bears used to “study”, how many Newtons there were in Cambridge, what happens if you ask for a beer at a Cambridge exam, and what comprises the diet of a giant grasshopper on the golden clock.
Along the way, we’ll discuss how the worldview and life itself have changed over the centuries, and what Cambridge is like today, both the university and the city.
Duration: between 90 – 105 min. Meeting point: The Guildhall (outside), Market Hill, Cambridge CB2 3QJ.