Места встречи
- "Zara" (outside), 66 St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB2 3BZ
- Anchor Pub, Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EL
- Cambridge Hilton Hotel, 20 Downing Street CB2 3DT
- Downing Place Church, outside (formerly known as St. Columba's), Downing Place CB2 3EL
- Emmanuel College (outside the main gate)
- Fitzwilliam Museum (outside Courtyard entrance)
- Girton College, Cambridge
- Grafton Centre
- Great St Mary’s Church (outside, facing the Senate House)
- Guildhall (in front of)
- Hot Numbers Café on Trumpington Street (outside)
- Jess Polish Market (in front of), 72 Newmarket Rd, CB5 8DZ
- John Lewis (outside), St Andrew's Street
- Old Divinity School (near), next to the outdoor sitting area of Le Patissier
- Old Divinity School, St John's College (outside)
- онлайн (в зуме)
- Parkside Pools and Gym (outside), Gonville Place, Cambridge CB1 1LY
- Princess Diana's Memorial Garden, Christ's Pieces
- Punter Pub (outside), 3 Pound Hill, Cambridge CB3 0AE
- Round Church, aka the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (outside)